Social Responsibility

It is of great importance for Cambium to establish and maintain harmonious relationships with its neighbors, for mutual benefit, including an agreed dispute resolution.


During its forestry career Cambium´s human team has led to various initiatives in education and training fields for the workers and people surrounding the managed equity in order to train them with new job skills and others towards raising their quality of life.


Among these is the creation of the micro-project called "Creating Employment in the Local Scope - CREALO" in small towns like Pemuco, Menque and Minas del Prado (Bío Bío region). Its aim was to help people in the communities to create and develop economic activities that would allow them to earn income and employment.


Cambium and its customers were not oblivious to the effects of the devastating earthquake and tsunami of February 2010. After making a diagnosis and in conjunction with the I. Quirihue Municipality , a care plan focused in repairing educational facilities and assist the neighbors of the properties managed in that district was successfully implemented. The plan allowed Quirihues’s boarding school to be operative, deliver 22 homes to neighbors who had been affected by the earthquake and also enable three pedestrian bridges, which allowed the connectivity to be reestablished.


Also in that area Cambium led a FOSIS project (government funds) for the collectors of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). This project helped to train 25 residents and provided them with the seed capital to finance ovens for drying mushrooms or fruit harvested within the properties managed by Cambium.


In the area of Cañete, Cambium has managed several initiatives to improve the quality of life of the communities around the farms, such as a diagnosis of the post-earthquake housing situation to help manage reconstruction subsidies through Regional Government, with donations of firewood and building materials, as well as contributions to the Drinking Water Committee and giving priority to local labor for harvesting and silvicultural activities.